Starcraft 2 Free To Play Limitations
Posted By admin On 18/03/22- With Patch 4.0.0 (Starcraft II going free to play), the three commanders Raynor, Kerrigan, and Artanis are free, while the others are free to play up to level 5. To be able to level other commanders beyond level 5 one has to buy them. Players who bought the game can also still play Swann, Zagara and Vorazun to max level.
- Starcraft II, with its improved ladder system and the elimination of some of the more intense micro-management tactics, does a better job of presenting itself as “easy to learn, hard to master.” Starcraft 2 also includes training scenarios that help new players grasp some of the details of playing the game well.
Blizzard has replaced their original SC2 demo for a new 'Starter Edition' that makes it a little more of a watered down version of the full game. This version is completely free to play for as long as you want. You can learn about it here: Link The basic limitations are this: 1. Only the first four missions in Single Player 2. StarCraft II’s relative emphasis on difficult mechanics makes it feel harder than it necessarily has to be, while simultaneously making the game more punishing to play. There’s nothing wrong with real time strategy games feeling hard, punishing, or even frustrating.
It might be difficult to imagine now, but Blizzard's StarCraft series was one of the earliest to lay a foundation for what would later come to be known as esports. Though games like Dota 2 and League of Legends now dominate the discussion of professional video game playing, there was a time in the late 1990s when it was basically Quake, StarCraft, or bust.
StarCraft 2 followed up on its predecessor's success in a lot of ways, but the esports scene is a lot different, and RTS games aren't as innovative as they used to be. The status of StarCraft 2 currently begs the question: will Blizzard make a StarCraft 3 sooner rather than later?
To us, however, it's not a question of when, but if. There are a lot of different reasons that StarCraft 2 might be the last game in the series, ranging from how pros are currently being treated and the way Blizzard has managed its current stable of StarCraft titles.
StarCraft 2 is doing better than you think
StarCraft 2 had a bit of a reputation as a dying game a few years back, but thanks to a few smart changes from Blizzard, it's currently rebounding. To be fair, it's not the most original idea, but StarCraft 2's War Chest has helped the pro scene immensely. War Chest is a season crowdfunding program that is remarkably similar to Dota 2's Battle Passes; purchasing a chest gets you a host of in-game goodies. 25% of proceeds from the War Chest go directly to the game's professional scene, helping infuse it with the kind of money that attracts sponsors and talent — not to mention viewers, who are tuning in to StarCraft 2 in encouraging numbers.
StarCraft 2 is also free-to-play now, with Blizzard making profit from it through War Chest purchases. The ease of accessibility for the game makes it easier to try, meaning it has a better chance of attracting new fans. A growing game means more sponsors, which means more pros, which creates more fans — a cycle that any esport is happy to nurture.
With a resurgent pro scene, StarCraft 2 is rebounding from a few down years. It wouldn't make sense to pull the trigger on a StarCraft 3 after all the work that's gone into saving its predecessor.
Blizzard's expansion model works
Whether you're a World of Warcraft fan or not, you've got to be impressed by the game's staying power. Blizzard is simply the best at extending a game's lifespan through the use of expansion content, delivering new adventures that often feel as though they'd be worthy of a separate game release anyways.
The same is true of StarCraft 2, which has seen two expansions already in Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void. Both expansions have created their own eras in competitive play, introducing a number of new units and gameplay options.
If there's an eventual problem with StarCraft 2, Blizzard can just patch it up. The developer is constantly adjusting each race's units, and if it wants to add new ones, it knows what to do: deliver another expansion to shake the game up. It's a similar strategy to the one the developer employed with Diablo 3, whose initial release largely disappointed fans, only to be saved by expansion content addressing the game's biggest issues.
Blizzard has already done a major overhaul of StarCraft 2
Prior to Legacy of the Void, Blizzard had a choice to make. It wasn't a new phenomenon, but League of Legends had surpassed StarCraft 2 in South Korea as its most played and viewed game, and more esports titles began to vie for the rest of the game's fan base. What could the company do to make StarCraft 2 more appealing to modern viewers?
The answer was simple, but brilliant: Blizzard sped things up to keep pace with the viewership experience of its competitors. Legacy of the Void increased worker count at the start of the game, making new and exciting build orders possible earlier in the game. New units, like the Zerg ravager, were introduced with a heavy focus on micro rather than macro skills. Suddenly, StarCraft 2 was an intense playing experience from minute one, rather than the slow and plodding build-up to big exchanges in the mid-to-late game that it had been previously.
The result has been a game that looks very little like it did when Wings of Liberty first came out in 2010. That's a good thing, and it shows that Blizzard is still very much invested in the success of StarCraft 2. In a lot of ways, Legacy of the Void is likely what a StarCraft 3 would have looked like anyways.
StarCraft Remastered proves Blizzard isn't even done with Brood War
How is a company supposed to release a third title when they're still supporting the first?
Obviously that's hyperbolic, but in the context of StarCraft, the remastered version of the original is strong evidence that Blizzard has no interest in a StarCraft 3.
While there were rumors that StarCraft 2 was initially intended to replace Brood War altogether, that's clearly not the plan now. Blizzard has recognized the value in keeping Brood War popular, and has expanded its ambition beyond South Korean PC bangs. The company recently announced the creation of a global StarCraft: Remastered series, with the intention of creating a tournament setting where international players can hone their craft. Not only that, but Blizzard's tournament series is explicitly designed to be welcoming to aspiring professional players rather than those who are already pros.
Ultimately, attracting a bunch of new talent to a game that isn't even your most recent iteration of a franchise sends a strong signal that StarCraft 3 isn't even on Blizzard's radar at the moment.
The RTS genre is basically dead
RTS games just don't have the same esports clout that they used to have. Fortnite, League of Legends, Dota 2, and CS:GO are some of the most consistently popular titles on Twitch. None of them really resemble RTS games, despite MOBAs having their roots in the genre.
Beyond that, there just isn't a lot of innovation in recent RTS titles. The time between major releases in the genre is widening, and older games like Warcraft 3 are actually putting up the best stream numbers, indicating that fans prefer classics to many of the newest titles.
Looking at it from Blizzard's perspective, the idea of StarCraft 3 somehow revitalizing the genre is even more absurd. The company already owns three of the most popular titles in the genre, including two of them in StarCraft: Remastered and Warcraft 3 that are over a decade old. It's clear that fans don't expect much from RTS games at this point, and Blizzard is better off occasionally refining what they already have rather than trying to resurrect a genre that's been left behind by time.
StarCraft is too hard for newer players to understand
When it comes to making a splash in competitive games, presenting an easy-to-learn but difficult-to-master set of mechanics is crucial. That's why Dota 2 is re-examining its newcomer experience, and why League of Legends was so appealing when it first appeared with a relatively small roster of heroes.
Both those games can lean into the fact that they require teams, though, and that it is easier to learn through experience and being carried. StarCraft does not have that luxury; it is a game that is brutal in its treatment of new players, and its main competitive mode is 1v1, meaning there aren't as many chances to learn by watching teammates make some nice plays. As recently as Heart of the Swarm, even some of the game's pro players thought StarCraft 2 was too hard.
Part of this argument circles back to the previous one. Why would players pick up something like a StarCraft 3 when there are games with more resources and more opportunities to learn?
Games like StarCraft will always appeal to a certain subset of competitive gamer, the kind that doesn't mind sinking hours of their life into a title just to be less than horrifically bad at it. That demographic isn't going anywhere, but it also isn't big enough to sustain a new game, and it's a tough sell recruiting a new player base with promises of torment and years of being routinely victimized on the online ladder.
Losing pros to other games is a real possibility
Picture this: StarCraft 3 is announced by Blizzard at BlizzCon 2019, and will debut sometime in early 2020. That's not a very long turnaround period, so the game will have had to be in development for quite some time for this scenario to happen in the first place. Even if it were possible, though, it would still represent months of a weird, StarCraft 2-is-getting-replaced-soon period of time that would have players questioning their commitment to the game that already exists.
It isn't hard to imagine a lot of StarCraft 2 players migrating over to a new game if that happens. StarCraft 2 has its fair share of prize money, but it pales in comparison to top-tier League of Legends tournaments. Given that some StarCraft 2 players have already jumped ship to varying levels of success, the idea of having to learn a new version of the game in StarCraft 3 might send flocks of talented pros into the waiting arms of a competitor.
We're only just seeing pros getting regular sponsorships and teammates to work with again in StarCraft 2. Risking that on a new game in the series would be a gamble that pro players likely wouldn't receive too well.
StarCraft's story has wrapped up
Part of the appeal of a series like StarCraft is Blizzard's ability to make players care about who they're playing as. Jim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan are two of the most iconic Blizzard characters ever, and their saga in the StarCraft games is full of the kinds of twists and turns that make for a memorable story.
Unfortunately for fans, though, that story is basically done. Legacy of the Void wrapped up nearly every single major plotline, and although it left open a few loose threads, they're the kind of story beats that would better serve a smaller expansion rather than a whole new game. Raynor and Kerrigan (or a hallucination of her) got to walk off into the sunset, and the Big Bad behind the series' war has been resoundingly defeated.
It's not that Blizzard couldn't tell a compelling story about StarCraft still. It's more that a return to those same characters would feel like going back just for the sake of doing it and creating more content. The natural conclusion of these characters' storylines was one of the most satisfying things about sticking with StarCraft from its humble beginnings, and bringing back Raynor and Kerrigan for another adventure would feel like Blizzard cheapening their legacy. Given that it's Blizzard, a company that doesn't usually do things cheaply, StarCraft 3 might not be possible simply because its story has already been told.
Blizzard has pushed strategy design to its limit
Finally, we arrive at what might be the most compelling reason to avoid doing a StarCraft 3: Blizzard was just too good at creating the first two titles and their respective expansions.
The confines of what fans expect from StarCraft are such that there's only so many truly radical changes Blizzard can make to the game without it becoming a new IP in its own right. Legacy of the Void shook things up without completely altering any of the game's most fundamental mechanics, and fans are still debating about whether or not the expansion is truly StarCraft 2. There's only so many well-designed units a developer can make before the game becomes a build order lottery.
Blizzard has indicated before that the company feels like there's more to do with the StarCraft universe, including more Nova-based games. Even if there is more StarCraft coming in the future, it's hard to believe it'll be a true StarCraft 3 rather than something new, like an FPS or attempt at the long-rumored StarCraft MMO.
Either way, though, there's only so much RTSing one company can do, and it feels like Blizzard has arrived at the end of it. Whatever the future is for the Terran, Protoss, and Zerg races, it doesn't look like we'll be watching it through the lens of the series' familiar UI and map pools.

TheStaircase is a learning method for StarCraft. Since there are a lot of learning methods out there, you can easily choose one that suits your needs.
If you want to improve TheStaircase might be for you. Note: TheStaircase was invented for players in the lower leagues (Bronze to Platinum). It should be finished after a couple of games. Depending on talent, time and deliberate practice it should take between 50 and ~200 games, though these numbers are not carved in stone.
- 6Units
- 8Six steps
Just play the game[edit]
If a new player posts 'Help!' on a forum, the following advice often is given out:
- 'Just play the game!'
- 'Watch streams!'
- 'Copy this build!'
Very fast everything is about the correct Opening or Build Order. Even Bronze players are told to copy a professional BO. The opposite is correct.
Play like yourself - not like a pro(...)It seems to me that far too often lower league players are tying themselves unnecessarily to the way progamers play. They see, learn and even get taught builds of progamers, without adjusting them to their own skill level. Let me give you an example of how you can change that and probably have a better personal experience with the game.
Let's say you're Zerg, you're on 3 bases and struggle with macroing. You tend to float minerals and gas like it's nobody's business and get frustrated after another loss with 2000 minerals unspent. Macro is hard! But it doesn't have to be, it's only that hard if you want to play perfectly but aren't yet capable of it. So how can you make it easier? Don't entirely copy progamers![1]SC2 is a very complex game. Often times it overwhelms new players. They watch their Replays and have trouble finding mistakes or focus on irrelevant stuff in their league.
Do not entirely copy progamers[edit]

'Just play the game' is a correct statement, but it's incomplete.
Starcraft 2 Free To Play Limitations One
Your rate of improvement is depending on:
- Time
- Focus
- Quality of practice
You do not need to watch the following video, but it explains these three factors in more detail.
If you don't play the game, you cannot improve. The most important thing for new players is playing the game and to have fun.
TheStaircase does not focus on pros. Therefore it does not require a specific BO.
If you want to play 3vs3 and use TheStaircase, that is absolutely fine.
HowTo start with TheStaircase[edit]
First of all, you should choose a race. Learning three races at once is more complicated than learning one. In older videos you will see 'Choosing a League Goal'. To simplify things every player should aim for 'Masters+'. This means your Spending- and Saturation-Skill should match or exceed Master.Afterwards:
- To pass a game you must meet or exceed the Spending Skill in your League Goal (Masters+).
- When you pass 4 out of your last 5 games move on to the next step.
Since TheStaircase wants to improve your Macro and your Mechanics, you should have a decent understanding about: Using
- Hotkeys, like pressing A to build a Marine (using Standard).
- Cameras (aka Location Hotkeys)
Some players do not use Cameras, but professional gamers like Flash, Leenock or Innovation are using Location Hotkeys.
Your goal is not to win, your goal is to improve[edit]
Since the (1vs1)Ladder will try to match you with equal opponents, you will lose ~50% of your games. With TheStaircase your goal is not to win, your goal is to improve; winning comes later.
Spending Skill[edit]
The Spending Skill is calculated by gggReplays. The math behind the scenes is based on the SQ (Spending quotient).
In the paragraphs below SQ is used more often, than Spending Skill. Reason: SQ is calculated by numerous tools, like SceLight and other Replay Websites. SQ has a major disadvantage though, it does not compare your SQ to other players in your league.
But if you play 10 games with strategy A and get a SQ of 105 (example) and afterwards you switch to strategy B and only have SQ 80, you should probably stick to A.
TheStaircase makes a difference between 'Given Units' and 'Battle Units'.
Given Units[edit]
Beside workers, Queens, Warp Prism, Medivacs and other units, every race has at least one basic fighting unit:
- Marine
- Zergling
- Zealot
For Terran there are two additional 'Given Units':
Rule of thumb: Every unit, which only costs Minerals is a 'Given Unit'. For more information see the Jaks guide.
Battle Units[edit]
This type of units are typically higher tier tech units. Often times they cost gas, too. Examples for Zerg: Hydralisks, Broodlords. Terran: Liberators, Thors. Protoss: Archons, Carriers.
To play Master some day will take more time, than to play in Gold league. But remember: The more fun you have playing the game, the more time you will invest.
E. g. you are Terran and you start your first game. Remember Masters+ is are goal at ''. You should have:
- Spending Skill: Master
- Race Macro: 100%
Note: 'Race Macro' for Terran at 100% means that your Orbital Command never reached 200 energy.
Conclusion: You can lose a game, but still pass your goal/benchmark.
Six steps[edit]
Since TheStaircase simplifies SC2 the learning method comes with some short but important rules for each step. Protoss and Terran start with 'Step #1'. Zerg has a special challenge called Step #0. The video explains an old version of 'Creep or die', but there is also a LotV version.
In order to learn Mechanics (Hotkeys, Cameras & Control Groups) it is very important to start with limited amounts of buildings and units. Other methods might suggest a 1Base-Build using a Timing Attack to kill the opponent.
Since TheStaircase does not suggest a BO it uses other constrictions.
Step #1[edit]
There are only two rules:
- You may not mine gas!
- Do not look at your army outside of your base!
The first rule is mandatory for #1 and #2. A common misconception about TheStaircase is: You are never allowed to use Vespene Gas. This is wrong, please see Step #3 below.
The second rule is important for a couple of reasons: Lower league players ...
- tend to watch their fights, just because it looks nice.
- are doing bad Micro, which hurts instead of helping them.
- are doing good Micro, but forget completely about their Macro.
The second rule is important for an additional reason, too. It is absolutely necessary to learn
- A-Move and to use an
- Army-Hotkey (Control Group for your army)
in StarCraft.
Since you are not allowed to look at your army, if it is outside of your base, you have to use an Army-Hotkey. Having your army on a control group enables you to jump to it, in later stages of TheStaircase.
Step #2[edit]
This step introduces Micro and Multitasking to your gameplay.
In this video you see QuanticIllusion using Proxy-Rax and Bunkers near the Zerg Hatcheries to put pressure on the Zerg. The amount of Micro you see in this video is extensive. Since TheStaircase does not suggest a specific BO, you can easily try a strategy like this. Your Replay and your SQ will show if you were up to the task.
You should set a certain amount of money as your limit, when executing this strat. E. g.
- 300 Minerals with 16 workers
- 500 Minerals with more workers
Remember: You can do everything, which is not forbidden by the rules. If you want to build an expansion using Proxy-Rax, that's totally fine. You want to train your worker production and therefore build additional workers and send them to long distance mining, that's totally fine.
What is fun to you is the most important thing, not what a ProGamer would do.
Step #3[edit]
In this Step you are allowed to take gas. Every upgrade and every building can be built. Does it makes sense to build an Ultralisk Cavern? Ultralisks are not allowed in Step #3, but it's up to you if you want to build a Cavern or not.
A Starport would make sense, because you are allowed to build Medivacs.
It is recommended to start with one gas for a couple of games, to see how it will affect your SQ. Oftentimes new players bank tons of gas, without spending it. This will result in a lower SQ than before.
But if you want to take two, three or more gas, that is totally up to you.
Step #4 to #6[edit]
In #4 you choose a so called 'Battle Unit'.
What is a 'Battle Unit'? Please take a look at TheStaircase-Guide.
A Terran player might choose the Marauder or Liberator, a Zerg player might choose Roaches or Mutalisks and a Protoss player might choose Stalkers or Carriers.
If you want to dive into intense Micro (e.g. Ghost, Infestor or Sentry), you can try this type of units as well. What is fun for you is important.
In #5 you choose two different 'Battle Units'.
- Terran: MMM and Widow Mines
- Zerg: Ling-Bling-Muta (Zerglings, Banelings, Mutalisks)
- Protoss: Chargelot (Charge), Archon, Immortal
In #6 you choose three 'Battle Units'.
Starcraft 2 Free To Play Limitations Free
The rules[edit]
- NO clicking in the Command Card (bottom right portion of the in-game screen).
- NO more than 2 queued units per production facility.
- NO more than b+2 supply structures in construction at a time, where b = the number of mineral saturated bases. Mineral Saturation occurs when there are 16 workers mining minerals.
If you have 2 saturated bases, you are allowed to build 4 Pylons at once (2+2).[4]
Starcraft 2 Free To Play Limitations Computer
Tips and Notes[edit]
- Have as much fun as possible at all times :D
- Experiment with the new unit/units on your current Step as much as possible!
- Focus as much as possible on your goals, and not on winning the game.
- Avoid arrow keys or moving the mouse to the edge of the screen to move.
- Click on the minimap and use location keys to move screen.
- Use Hotkeys, Control Groups, and Camera Location keys as much as possible.
- Try to get 48 workers on Step 1 and 2 (3 base saturation).
- Try to get 66 workers on all other Steps (3 base saturation) NOTE: only take the gas you need when you need it!!!
- Feel free to rearrange the order of units once you get past Step 2.
- Play aggressively; avoid static defenses.
- Try to keep at least one unit or group of units active on the map after your first scout, this will help train multitasking.
- For Step 2 and onward, try to look at your base only when necessary.
- OPTIONAL: In Step #1 and #2 you might want to veto some maps. Maps with a pocket expansions like Dusk Towers or Acolyte[5] Reason: You only have basic units and it's easier to attack a Natural with a wide ramp, than a small choke.
- ↑TLO on Macro Mechanics
- ↑TheStaircase - An Alternative Improvement Method
- ↑Destiny going mass queens - Game 1 - Starcraft 2
- ↑TheStaircase (english) powered by JaKaTaK
- ↑TheStaircase (german) powered by NeoBlade