Roulette Dozens Progression
Posted By admin On 24/03/22'Three Streets' Roulette system is similar to the roulette system 'Six Streets', but the way of increasing the bets and distribution is different,. Otherwise, the system is quite simple. Roulette lends itself to system play. Numbers on the board and sections of the board are productively divided into groups, and each of these can be bet upo. Which roulette strategies consistently win, which eventually lose, and why? Here are the facts about winning roulette every player should know.
Roulette system “Three Streets” issimilar to the systemsixstreets,but the wayof increasingthe betsanddistribution is different, .Otherwise,the system isquitesimple.
1. Each dozen is for itself: (1-12) (13-24) (25-36)
2. Within a dozen always bet on only one street
3. If it comes outa dozenin whichyou have not wageredon anystreet,next timeyou beton this streetin this particulardozen(soyoubetthe maximum3 streets)
4. If it comes out a dozen, but your street is not in it, you increase your bet by one coin and bet on the same street.
Example: bet 1 token on street 1-3. It comes number 10.
Add another token on street 1-3 and keep playing
5. What to doif youwin(Important!)
Let’s sayyou havebets on the cloth,placedas follows:
Street 1-3 (I dozen) bet five coins
Street 13-15 (II dozen) bet three coins
Street 25-27 (III dozen) bet two coins
it comes number 27 and you win
The amount of each bet is reduced by the number of tokens who have been out on the winning street. (Soin this case street 25-27winand don’tbet onit any more)

In this caseyou beton this streettwocoins.Takesthe same amount–that is,twocoins– fromthe bets onotherstreetsand continue.
On street 1-3 (I dozen) bet is 3 tokens.
On street 13-15 (II dozen) bet is 1 token.
Do not bet on any street on dozen III.
6. The next rotation it comes III dozen
So, bet one token on it, just like in the beginning of the game
7. If it comes up zero, nothing happens, keep betting on the same places with same amounts

Ifthe street withthe biggestbet wins, thenremoveall bets from it.
Roulette Dozens Progression Definition

If wins thestreeton whichthe bets are lessthanthe other
dozenreducethe betsintwoother dozenwith the same number of
tokens thatyou beton the winningstreet.
This is important because in this way have a controlled progression!
We recommend you to first try out the system without betting. The system is not risky, but do not take unnecessary risks – and it may happen bad run, so it’s good to have some capital. For surerecommend you tohave areserve of400tokens for eachsettoken.
Roulette Dozens Progression Games
The amount may seem excessive, but casinos earn just by people coming poor, hoping to leave rich. And this happens, but mostly on the movies. Withsufficientcapital, however, earningwheremany othersfailunnecessarily.