How To Play Gin With 4 Players
Posted By admin On 02/04/22- Hi with how many people can we play this game? I'm with 4 other friends that are really interested in this game.
- Learn how to play the cooperative board game Pandemic. Players work together to try to stop a deadly disease from spreading across the world map.
- Detailed rules for playing the very popular card game Gin Rummy and its many variations.
Gin Rummy: How to Play and Win - Clear, well-written instructions and numerous illustrations of card hands. Basic rules and scoring systems, customs, methods of play. For the experienced player.
GTFO is a 4-player cooperative first-person shooter, with elements of stealth, resource management and defending positions. This guide will act as a very basic introduction to the game and its mechanics. If you would like more information to look at the individual pages or learn yourself in-game.
If you do not own GTFO you can purchase it on Steam here:
- 1The Rundown
- 3Expeditions
- 4Sleepers and dispatching them
The Rundown[edit edit source]
The Rundown is a mechanic within GTFO which acts as a way for the Devs to add more content consistently. They are changed every few months completely, meaning all expeditions of a previous rundown become inaccessible. Rundowns come in different lengths, from shorter ones with fewer expeditions to longer ones with more, the amount of time a rundown is active is usually based on the number of levels, with shorter rundowns having a shorter amount of time active. Rundowns have different tiers, from A to E, with A being easier and E being harder. As of Rundown 004 there is a new mechanic called Sectors, which adds more content to a rundown without making it too many expeditions long or too difficult for players who do not want to do it.
How to find a group to play with[edit edit source]
The first option is to either play with friends who already have the game, either by using the Lobby Id system or by joining through steam.
If you do not have friends who already have the game, the in-game matchmaking system is also an option. The matchmaking has a few options, such as Primary language, secondary language and a mic option, which lets you decide if you want to have people using the in-game voice chat or not. The matchmaking is currently in Alpha so there are some bugs to be expected, which is why many people use the third option:
Discord looking for group chats, there is more information on Discord itself. Once you have 4 people ready to play you must either: add them as friends on steam to allow for invites or direct connect, or you can use the lobby ID system: when hosting a lobby you will be able to copy a lobby ID to your clipboard, you then give this to the other people playing, they copy it to their clipboard, then when in-game you will have an option on the rundown screen to join the lobby.
While the game can be played with less than 4 players it is an unwise choice as there is no difficulty scaling, meaning you will face the same number of enemies with a lower amount of firepower. This does make for a good challenge if you find yourself bored with the current rundown. Playing solo will prove to be extremely difficult, much of the time even impossible depending on the mission. However, it can make for extremely good practice with certain skills necessary to play the game well, i.e room clearing.
Selecting your loadout[edit edit source]
When in the lobby within GTFO you will be able to select a primary weapon, special weapon, tool and melee weapon.
Primary weapons are generalised weapons which are meant to be usable in most situations, they have large ammo reserves and less specialised.
Special weapons are meant for more specific situations, they have lower ammo reserves but excel in their own ways.
Tools are used to give tactical advantages, for both inside and outside of combat, they are meant to make situations more manageable, but have limited ammo like weapons.
Melee weapons are cosmetic only and do not affect gameplay.
'Rundown Specific' means a weapon could potentially be removed in future rundowns.
Prisoners[edit edit source]
Prisoners are the player characters within GTFO, there are currently four different prisoners to play as, the prisoner you play as is determined by your position in the lobby. Prisoners have a few base items of equipment:
Flashlight can be turned on with F (Default), the flashlight will change depending on which weapon you are using, flashlights will make enemies stir and alert if they are shined onto them for too long, so be careful with it.
Pinging can be used on item boxes, items in boxes and doors, these pings will appear to all players and be visible from anywhere, they also are shown in the colour of your name in-game.
There is also a map accessible, which can be used to navigate the expeditions and to temporarily draw on.
Prisoners can also crouch, which will reduce speed but make less sound allowing you to get closer to enemies within stealth, Sprint, which is faster but much louder, and jump which can be used to get to vantage points, though fall damage is very punishing so care should be taken when around heights.
Friendly fire is always on in GTFO, the only weapons which do not have friendly fire are melee weapons, turrets and mines will not target players however they can be damaged in the crossfire.
Prisoners can be afflicted with infection while in the complex, the infection will cause your max health to be limited and slowly drain when above the limit. Infection can be gained from multiple sources and can be removed by multiple means. It is represented by a green bar above your health.
Expeditions[edit edit source]
Expeditions are the levels within GTFO, taking place within the complex, an underground facility. The objective of an expedition is a task given by the warden; this is in the top left of the screen for most of the level, there is no time limit for any of these objectives or expeditions in general, take your time.
Warden Objectives[edit edit source]
The objectives within GTFO are the only thing you should care about. If something isn't going to help you achieve your objective don't do it, and once you've completed your objective don't stick around, just GTFO. The objective for an expedition will never change however some parts of it may change, such as the locations of items you are collecting. The number of items you must collect and the number of items in the level will always be the same.
Lockers and Boxes[edit edit source]
Within expeditions there are items the players can find which can be helpful or necessary for the completion of a level, they are found within lockers and boxes (distinct orange colour). There are 3 types of items which can be found within containers: Consumables, Keys and Objective items.
All these consumables and their containers are procedurally generated with each level so they will not be the same each run.
Doors[edit edit source]
Doors within an expedition will always be the same. They are useful tools if utilised correctly, but can be dangerous if alarmed. There are two types of doors:
Normal doors which can be opened and closed at will. They can also be reinforced with C-Foam to withstand more punishment. If closed, enemies will destroy them if they are in the direct path towards the player.
Security doors which can be opened, but cannot be closed. To open a security door you will have to complete a Bioscan, which requires players to stand in a designated area for a short time. Some security doors will be protected with an alarm. Alarms will cause waves of enemies to spawn until deactivated by additional scans. The number of extra scans can vary.
Locks[edit edit source]
Locks are obstacles which will block a player from being able to open a door or resource locker/box. There are two types, physical and electrical. Physical locks can be removed by melee or bullets and makes a noise in a small range around it when broken alerting sleepers. Electrical locks require a hacking minigame, which when failed will make a noise in a small range, alerting sleepers.
Zones and subzones[edit edit source]
Within expeditions, there are areas which are categorised into different zones and subzones. These are shown with both numbers and letters. Zones are separated with security doors, subzones are separated by normal doors. There are exceptions to this rule in the form of holes within walls you can enter.
Terminals[edit edit source]
Terminals within GTFO are the main source of information within each expedition, they can be used to see which items are in which rooms, find specific items and at some objective specific points do special commands.
On a terminal typing 'help' and 'commands' will be helpful to learn how to use them to their full potential.
Bulkheads[edit edit source]
Bulkheads, more specifically Bulkhead Doors and Bulkhead Door Controllers, are a mechanic related to Sectors, the bulkhead doors act as a way to enter the areas of the map which feature the layered difficulty, or as a way of preventing players from completing some parts of an expedition before a certain sector.
Sleepers and dispatching them[edit edit source]
Sleepers are the main enemy within GTFO, and as their name suggests you will find most of them within a dormant state, though there are some which prefer to stay awake.

Stealth[edit edit source]
To succeed within GTFO a large part is being able to keep within stealth, this is not mandatory, but it saves ammo and health. Sleepers can be killed stealthily with the melee weapon, if you kill them in one hit, if you do not kill them with the first hit they wake up and if not killed quickly, alert the rest of the dormant enemies close to it. If you make too much noise and do not pay attention to the warnings of lighting up and they begin to thrash around or continue to shine a light on them when the same warning signs happen. Killing a sleeper too close to another sleeper will cause that sleeper to wake up (~5 meters). Sleepers glowing are more vigilant and will detect a sleeper being killed from longer distances. Sleepers are affected by line of sight, killing a sleeper in an area where other sleepers would not be able to see it will not alert them even if they are glowing.
Biology[edit edit source]
Sleepers are resilient, being able to live without their heads and all their top halves in some special cases, however, they do have weak points which can be exploited to reliably kill them quicker and instantly in some cases. The different variations of sleeper have different health, damage and movement speed, to be updated.
Tips[edit edit source]
- Aim for the weak spots.
- Don’t waste ammo when not needed.
- Running away is a tactic
- Utilize your environment.
- Communicate
And remember: They react to sound and lights.
The cards used for this game rank from King high down to Ace low (K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A). The value of the cards (for totaling of unmatched cards at the end of the hand, see below) is as follows: All court cards (King, Queen and Jack) are 10 points each, Ace counts as one and the remaining cards count as their marked value.
The object of the game is to be the first player to score 100 or more points through the course of several hands. This is done by attempting to make matching sets in your hand by forming valid sets and runs of cards, thus obtaining a lower count of non-matched cards (called deadwood) in your hand than your opponent.
The two types of valid groups or melds of cards a player can make in their hands are as follows:
- A set is a group of 3 or 4 cards of the same rank. These cards must all be of the exact same rank, such as 3 10's or 4 Jacks.
- A run is a group of 3 or more cards, in sequence, of the same suit. For example, this could be 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Diamonds, or 10, Jack, and Queen of Spades. Aces are equivalent to a value of one and thus can be played only in a run preceding a 2.
Four Card Run
How Do You Play Gin With 4 Players
The dealer of the first hand can be determined in various ways, with cutting for high card being a common method. Thereafter, the winner of each hand deals the next.At the start of each hand, each player is dealt 10 cards face down in front of them. The first card is given to the dealers opponent, the next to the dealer, the next to the opponent, and so on alternating until each player has 10 cards. The next card in the deck is then turned face up on the table (this is called the upcard) and placed next to the remainder of the deck which is placed face down to form the stock.
After the cards are dealt and the players have examined their hands, the non-dealer has the first choice of taking the upcard. If the non-dealer chooses not to take this card, the dealer then has the opportunity to take the card. If both players decline the upcard, the non-dealer draws the top card of the stock and adds it to his hand, playing the hand as normal, including discarding at the end of his turn (see below). Thereafter, each player on their proper turn, can opt to take the top upcard or the top card of the face down stock. After selecting a card the player can then either knock or continue playing by discarding a card face-up to the top of the discard pile, which becomes the new upcard. If a player takes the upcard, they may never discard that same card on that turn.
If the stock pile is reduced down to the last two cards, neither of these cards may be drawn. If the player who draws the third to last card of the stock does not knock at the end of his turn, the hand is over, being considered a draw with no scoring being considered for that hand.
Can You Play Gin With 4 Players
In this example, a player has knocked with a total deadwood value of 5 in an effort to have a lower such count than his opponent. |
After knocking the player who does so lays his hand face up on the table, with all his melds grouped together and his unmatched deadwood separated. Unless the knocking player has no unmatched cards, the opponent may lay off any unmatched cards in their own hand that might extend the runs and sequences of the knocking player. The knocking player, however, may not do so on his opponents melds. If the total card value of unmatched cards of the knocking player is lower than the opponent, he wins the hand and scores for himself the difference between his hand and his opponents. However, if the opponent has a lower or equal total card value, the opponent instead wins the hand and scores 25 points plus the difference in card counts. This is called an undercut.
In the event that the knocker has no unmatched cards after their discard, called Going Gin, the opponent may not lay off any of their unmatched cards on the knockers melds (although they may set aside any of their own valid melds) and the knocker wins the hand regardless of the opponents total in unmatched cards. Going gin scores 25 points for the knocker plus his opponents total count in unmatched cards remaining in their hand.
Gin Rummy Scoring